For all tourists who are looking for a destination full of adventure, nature, and unique landscapes, Arenal is the ideal place. For that reason, we have decided to bring our shared transportation services to this region as well. 

We will not only offer the best shuttle service in Dominical but we will also help you to live an incredible experience in the northern part of Costa Rica. 

Today, we will take you on a tour through the main tourist attractions of the region to show you the advantages of traveling with us and getting to know Arenal. 

Main attractions of the Arenal area in Costa Rica

The imposing Arenal Volcano

Dominating the horizon, the Arenal Volcano is a geological wonder that no visitor should miss. Although currently dormant, its perfect cone and green slopes are the perfect backdrop for any photo.

Hot springs

After a day exploring the region, what is better than soaking in the soothing hot springs? Fed by the geothermal heat of the volcano, there are several options, from luxurious resorts to more affordable options, all in the middle of the rainforest.

Costa Rica’s wildlife at its finest

The Arenal area is home to a vast biodiversity. Walk along the trails and you can spot sloths, monkeys, toucans, frogs, and many other species. In addition, orchids and ferns will surprise you with their beauty.

Adventure Activities

From canopy tours and waterfall rappelling to hiking hanging bridges and kayaking on Lake Arenal, there is a wide range of activities to satisfy the adventurous appetite of any traveler.

Advantages of shared shuttle to Arenal

  • Economy and efficiency: By sharing transportation with other tourists, you not only reduce costs but also make more efficient use of resources, contributing to more sustainable tourism.
  • Connecting with other travelers: It is an excellent opportunity to meet other adventurers and share experiences, and tips, and perhaps make new friends!
  • Lower carbon footprint: By opting for shared transportation, you reduce individual emissions, thus contributing to greener and more environmentally friendly tourism.
  • Local knowledge: Local ridesharing companies are often equipped with drivers who know the area like the back of their hand. This can translate into unique recommendations and interesting details about the places you visit.
shuttle to Arenal

Contact us; whether you’re drawn to volcanic charm, soothing hot springs, biodiversity, or adrenaline-filled activities, there’s something for everyone in Arenal. 

And, by choosing shared transportation for your adventure, you’re not only traveling smart and sustainably, but you’re also immersing yourself in the authentic Costa Rican experience.